I run because otherwise I’d feel moody,
I run to breath in the fresh air,
I run to clear my brain,
I run to focus,
I run to enjoy nature,
I run to keep my energy up,
I run to balance,
I run because I can!

Even though I am struggling a bit every now and then with running and moving a bit slower than I am used to, I am still able to go for a run whenever and wherever I like to go, it gives me a feeling of freedom. I remember that last year when I came out of the winter time, it was also a bit hard on me, but I tried not to pay too much attention to it and gradually my pace came back. I bet the same will happen again, just be patient with myself. Still there are things you can do when you feel stuck while running…
Add a rest day to your training.
If you are not able to increase the pace, or mileage and to stay motivated, your body may tell you that you need some extra rest. Give your body time to recover and it all will come back again. In the past I would sometimes feel “guilty” not go for my run or do something else instead, but I am glad to say that nowadays it is easier for me to accept and also enjoy some extra relax time and maybe do a bit of yoga to wind down.

Incorporate strength training.
If you can’t reach your goals, you may be lacking strength. This can easily be solved by adding strength training workouts to your schedule. This will increase your metabolism and eventually also help you to improve your running, a real win-win!
Getting into weight lifting can be quite intimidating if you have never done before. Here’s how to start and easy yourself into it.
Start with your body weight.
If you are a beginner, it is a great idea to start with your own body weight. Focusing on body weight exercises can help you getting into the movements before going to the next step of using dumbbells and weights. From lunges to squats and push-ups, there are important weight lifting movements you can get used to.
Nail down your form.
Again, even before you get into lifting actual weights, make sure your form is impeccable, you don’t want any injuries. If it makes you feel better and more confident, find yourself a trainer or a guide at the gym who can assist with a good start and can keep an eye on your form.
Invest in some equipment.
Especially when you want to have a serious go at this and do not have access to a gym, get some dumbbells to use at home. A simple set of 3, light, moderate and heavy, weights are perfect.
Schedule regular workouts.
If you are a beginner, start easy, like maximum twice a week. They key here is to be consistent and add little by little. On days when you don’t do any (body)weight training, it is good to do some sort of cardio, running or otherwise, for the best possible total effect. I for example do boxing inspired cardio workouts once or twice a week, which also brings some extra variation and your body won’t get too lazy by doing the same thing over and over again.
Lift the right amount of weights.
Find the amount of weight based on your current strength, type of exercise and number of reps and sets. Generally, when you start , find the amount of weight that allows you to do 1-2 sets of 12-15 reps and build from there. Even though your body can probably do a whole lot more that you think, don’t go to fast and listen to your body’s needs; again no injuries.

Me, picking up lifting weights again...
Several years ago I also gradually started with body weight training, dumbbells and in the end I managed to lift barbells for strength and balance, but when I didn’t have access to the gym due to corona, I changed that back to body weight workouts and the boxing inspired cardio training, a great alternative.
Run on hills.
If possible… living in a country like myself where there are hardly any hills nearby it is a bit difficult. However, if you can do hill training you will use your glutes and abdominals more, which may help becoming better at running.
Invest in good and comfortable shoes & clothing.
Maybe when starting you don't immediately feel like getting the proper (expensive) running shoes and clothing. However, when you get more into it, it is a good idea to have a running legging, short, shirts, right shoes for you and not to forget... good socks. And it does not all need to be the famous expensive brands, there are alternatives that are just as good.

I am very pleased with my latest running shoes! Very comfortable and fits like a glove.
Enjoy the surroundings.
Especially when I go running early morning, when all is still very quiet and nature is waking up, I really enjoy the silence, the fresh air and the beauty of the fields and animals...
Beautiful surroundings just minutes away from home.
Be patient.
I really had to learn to be patient with myself, but I manage much better now. You are a human being, not a robot and slow progress is always better than no progress at all. Try changing up your routine, by for example a different route or time and listen to what your body needs. And accept… this will help you to overcome the plateau! @myfavoriterun