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1 min read
Revamped My Web Presence: Unveiling a Vibrant New Look!
Revamped my website!
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5 min read
Don't Leave Norway Behind...
Once you've visited Norway, you will never leave it behind, it will stay forever in your mind. Norway is a beautiful, mystique country...
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8 min read
"How to Start and Maintain a Successful Fitness Journey"
Quite some years ago I started my fitness journey. At first weight loss was something I fully dedicated myself to! But getting fit and...
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2 min read
Bon Bini Bonaire!
Love going to the Dutch Antilles and the Island of Bonaire is the all time favourite! It is super relaxed and if you like water sports...
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2 min read
Run in the morning before your brain figures out what you're doing...
Isn't that enough reason to go outdoors running before dawn? As much as I'd like to go running whenever I feel like it, life sometimes...
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1 min read
Boxing inspired workout!
Keep moving, sweat and burn baby burn! 🔥 The secret to a powerful punch is all about generating movement from the ground up. To do this,...
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1 min read
work out, eat well, love yourself & be proud! Welcome to my blog! If you’re anything like me, you crave the blissful feeling that comes...
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3 min read
Boxing 🥊 great for girls? It sure is!
Already in my late teens and early twenties I went to kick boxing classes. At the time it was quite rare for a girl to go boxing,...
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4 min read
Do not diet, EAT!
It's not about being skinny, it's about being in balance and feel good about yourself! I must admit that several years ago, I did follow...
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3 min read
Why strength training? Benefits explained!
Strength training and weight training for beginners can be somewhat confusing, but this is not needed at all. In fact, it's a relatively...
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3 min read
Strong body, strong mind...
Could strength training boost your brain power? Yes, it sure can and it does! Making small, additive lifestyle changes will enhance your...
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2 min read
I love oats!
Yes, I know I'm always sooo exited about oats! And that is not only because oats are good for you, but can also be very yummy in your...
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4 min read
Go heavy or Light..?
Lighter weights, more reps or heavier weights and less reps? It all depends on your goals… First, why more muscles? And this does not...
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2 min read
Forgotten veggies...
Parsnip, a so-called forgotten vegetable from the past. I really like root vegetable and parsnip is definitely one of them. It’s nice...
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1 min read
Merry Fitmas! Can imagine that you are not working out as much as usual and that the food and drinks are also slightly different... Or...
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9 min read
Fermented foods for a healthy gut!
Fermented foods and beverages are becoming increasingly popular. You can now find kombucha, sourdough bread and more varieties of...
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